the proof is in the pudding

December 2021

Professional mixologist Michael Cecconi of M Squared Spirits makes handcrafted, shelf-stable ready-to-drink cocktails, bottled in generous servings for two, in the San Francisco Bay Area. The cocktails, which make an ideal gift for the spirits lover looking to try something different, will soon be available to be shipped to almost every US state. ++ read more

The 12 Bottles of Christmas



Cocktail of the Week: Hopscotch



A new recipe from master mixologist Michael Cecconi, with cucumber-infused Scotch, hop-flavoured vodka and homemade lime cordial.

Michael Cecconi, who hails from San Antonio, Texas, lives in Oakland, California, and considers New York City to be his true home, is a bartender and mixologist who teaches his craft at virtual and in-person events, while also running his own pre-mixed cocktail business, M Squared Spirits. We asked him to come up with a unique cocktail recipe, specially for our readers.

Michael explains the thinking behind the drink: “Hopscotch is a children’s game, and I bring a little playfulness to this drink… What’s my game? Encouraging more people to drink whisky.” ++ read more

Oakland-based mixologist Michael Cecconi brings mixology into your home



Make Michael Cecconi's favorite cocktails



The Creative Pastimes That Have Sustained Us in the Pandemic



Virtual mixology classes and bottled cocktails shake up this bartender’s creative juices

The Oakland-based mixologist began hosting virtual events and making bottled craft cocktails during the pandemic, Berkeleyside reported.

With the pandemic, “reinvention” became the keyword to upholding motivation, both professionally and personally-wise. Finding new ways of captivating both current and new customers was imperative. Some bartenders found solace thanks to the internet, which hopefully helped us staying connected through the wall of social distancing.

Between virtual mixology classes and pre-batched cocktails for delivery, the world of mixology kept running. It is the case of many beloved bars, bartenders and mixologists all over the world, as Michael Cecconi, founder of M Squared Spirits. By Nathalie Baylaucq. ++ read more


Every bartender and mixologist has a drink they love to make - and Michael Cecconi has some interesting ones up his sleeve. 

Passionate about giving people an experience rather than just a drink, Cecconi (Mixology Instructor, Monday Night Mixology & The Institute of Culinary Education) is known to make some delectable libations. Taking it a step further, Cecconi also bottles his craft cocktails - that are available for delivery throughout the Bay area. Not only is he a star mixologist, but he also teaches cocktail making virtually, both for private events, as well as on his Instagram. ++ read more


Those of us with time to spare have nurtured new interests and reinvented past ones to help us cope during the past year. When we rose from our couches after binging on the Netflix series "The Queen's Gambit," sales on chess sets jumped by 125%. Kate Middleton and Princess Charlotte, her 5-year-old daughter, go spider hunting in between home-schooling sessions. And many of us have turned to reading to help us escape the challenges of these odd times. ++ read more


With bars closed, M Squared Spirits founder and Oakland-based mixologist Michael Cecconi finds ways to bring his artistry into people’s homes.

Michael Cecconi wants to turn your home into a craft cocktail bar. The Oakland mixologist knows what it takes, and it’s not professional barware or luxury accessories. Cecconi, who hosts virtual happy hours, cocktail classes and events via Zoom, is not interested in teaching people how to use fancy tools of the trade. Instead, he prefers showing people how to use everyday household items — Tupperware, mason jars, even pasta strainers — to create the perfect at-home craft cocktail bar. He wants home mixologists to come away from his events thinking, “I’m hungry for pasta, and I can make a great cocktail with that thing.”

Cecconi is a thinker’s mixologist. During his virtual mixology classes, he concocts “everything from gin to mezcal to tiki to avant-garde.” His repertoire includes contemporary takes on classic cocktails like the Aviationmade with gin and homemade cherries soaked in whiskey, and a French 75 (Find his recipe at the end of this story), a cocktail made from gin and Champagne, the effect of which is said to feel like being hit by a 75mm Howitzer field gun. ++ read more

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